Tips To Save On AC Costs - Infographic

How To Save On Your AC Bill This Summer - 6 Tips
There are more ways to save on your energy bill than simply shutting off your AC or raising the thermostat. These simple and creative tips can help you save significantly on your AC costs – without sacrificing your comfort. These are also great tips for those who don’t have AC in their home! Continue reading below, or contact Graham’s & Son for more information!
#1 - Consider Your Window Treatments

Did you know that 76% of the sunlight that hits your windows is converted into heat? As much as many of us love the warm summer sun, those sunny days may be taking a toll on your energy bill.
Fortunately, a simple solution is to get energy efficient window treatments – or if you already have them – simply leave your blinds, shades, or curtains closed throughout the day.
High-quality, energy-efficient window treatments do more than just make your home look nice. They help insulate your windows and block excess heat from entering your home. There’s even a way of measuring their efficiency with something called “R-Value.”
R-Value is “the capacity of an insulating material to resist heat flow. The higher the R-value, the greater the insulating power.” Essentially, it is your window treatment’s ability (or, any insulating material’s ability) to keep the heat out.
A standard window alone has a very low R-Value of just 0.9. However, energy-efficient window treatments such as high-quality shutters can have an R-Value of up to 4.0! That means you can quadruple the heat-resisting power of your windows by simply purchasing efficient window treatments.
And you know what else that means? Your AC won’t run as often – and you can even consider turning up your thermostat, as your home won’t feel as warm without the constant rays of sun entering your home.
#2 - Use Fans Instead

You may be skeptical about how much a fan can really help you – especially on those hot Ontario days that feel like 40 C (104 F) with the humidex!
However, adding a fan to your room – especially a ceiling fan -can, according to Toronto Hydro, allow you to raise your AC by about 5 degrees and still feel cool. That can help you save another $20 per month!
You won’t have to cringe as you raise your thermostat up a few degrees – you’ll be able to stay comfortable even when your AC goes from 72 F to 77 F degrees.
Saving $20 a month may not seem like a lot, but it’s important to keep in mind that in Southern Ontario (and other places in Canada), many of us run our AC from May until September. That’s five months out of the year when your AC needs to run! If you end up saving $20 per month on AC costs just by installing a fan, that’s $100 per year.
After 10 years, you will have saved $1,000, simply by choosing a fan. On top of that, ceiling fans are a fairly inexpensive purchase, you can get many lower-end versions for just $50.00. Within a few months, it will have already paid for itself in what you save on your bill.
#3 - Choose The BBQ

Planning a big get together this summer, and not sure what to make? Cooking for a family of four, or just yourself? When meal planning this summer, consider skipping the oven when possible and choosing to BBQ (or make cold foods) instead.
Baking or cooking using your stove is an easy way to heat up your home – especially if your thermostat is within close proximity to your kitchen. On top of that, the extra cool air in your home from your AC running more can actually cause your oven to work harder too – creating a frustrating cycle!
If you’re stuck coming up with tasty and healthy ‘AC friendly’ meals for the summertime, check out this great video below that will help you meal plan for those hot days when you should avoid oven use if possible.
Many of the examples above require little or no oven use, plus they’re light, healthy, and easy to make when you’re having a lazy summer day and just don’t feel like cooking for hours!
#4 - Dry Your Clothes Outside

By choosing to dry your clothes outside, you’re actually getting two energy and cost saving benefits: you’re not running your electricity to use your dryer for hours on end, and you’re not heating up your home, which means your AC won’t run as often.
If you aren’t used to drying your clothes outside, it can be a bit of a challenge to feel comfortable leaving your clothes outside. However, there are many more benefits aside from the ones listed above. Click here to learn more about making the switch – and about all the cost savings you can enjoy per year!
#5 - Keep Your Lights Off

You’re keeping your blinds closed to help stop the heat from entering your home – you might be tempted to turn on all the lights! However, that’s not a good idea if your goal is to save on your AC costs this summer.
Whenever possible, keep your lights off – or you can choose to keep a select few on, a small lamp at your desk, or a standing lamp in your main room. Of course, you don’t want to be stuck in the dark all day long! However, keeping your lights on does heat up your home – you’re not imagining it! So it’s important to keep them off when possible.
If you work from home or for whatever reason it simply does not make sense to keep your lights off all day, you can consider switching to more energy-efficient bulbs that don’t produce as much heat. For example, LED lights are much more energy efficient and produce a fraction of the amount of heat given off by a traditional bulb.
Although LED lights do give off some heat (contrary to popular myths), it is much less than your average bulb, which means you can use them more often without the same impact on your AC bill.
#6 - Open Your Windows at Night

One simple way to make you feel cooler while you’re sleeping (as it’s often hard to fall asleep when it’s warm and sticky!) is by keeping your windows open at night.
If you do this, it’s important to ensure you turn off your AC first so you aren’t letting the cold air escape!
There is some strategy involved with keeping your windows open at night. First of all, you want to make sure you only do so when it’s not humid – moist air can make your house more difficult to cool the next day.
As well, Philip Jang from the Times Colonist says to “keep the windows closed when the outside temperature is hotter than it is inside, and open the windows when it’s cooler outside than inside.”
Keeping your windows open at night will allow a fresh, cool breeze to cool your home without needing any AC at all!
Save On Your AC Costs With Quality Window Treatments!

Are you ready to create a more energy efficient home? Window treatments are one of the absolute best ways to reduce your energy bills and save on the monthly cost of AC.
Graham’s & Son has decades of experience when it comes to expertly installing all kinds of window treatments, including shutters, in homes across the Kitchener-Waterloo area. We understand the importance of creating an energy-efficient home, and we want to help you achieve that for your home!
At Graham’s & Son, we offer a wide variety of window treatments, including custom treatments perfect for insulating your home. If you are looking to update your current window treatments, contact Graham’s & Son today for the most energy efficient and beautiful window treatments possible.
Graham’s & Son knows window coverings; we have been in the window treatment business for over 40 years. Our expertise and professionalism are second to none. In addition, right now we are offering an amazing deal on all our blinds, shutters, and shades – when you purchase any two, you will get a third absolutely free.
“Great quality. Wonderful people to work with.”
– Karen from Cambridge
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Graham’s & Son is looking for a full-time Window Treatment Installer and an Interior Decorator, and we would love for you to join our team! We operate out of Cambridge and are looking for someone who knows the Tri-Cities area well. Training will be provided – some experience required. If you think this may be the perfect job for you, see job requirements and overview by clicking here to learn more about the installer position, or here to learn more about the decorator position.
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